SeminarsBrad considers himself to be a learning facilitator who uses stories to teach, to change the way people view the world, as well as to entertain. His stories, taken from his own experiences, support the learning experience by speaking to the subconscious and changing attitudes, while he shares the knowledge and skills that he has gained leading exceptional teams for over 35 years. Please contact Groundbreaking Press to schedule one of Brad's seminars for your organization. Seminar ListThe Art of Project
Management The Art of Project Management -- The Critical Importance of Effective Leadership to Successful Project ManagementThis seminar, The Art of Project Management, increases knowledge and develops skills in the area of project management that many find the most difficult to master, the area of effective communications and relationship management, in other words, effective leadership. Developed initially for the international training company Projacs, this seminar has been PMI (Project Management Institute) certified by Projacs as a significant part of their total project management certification program. This seminar is also available through Fregger in the United States and Internationally. "Project management is nothing new, in fact, we all have been involved in project management since we were small children. This means that we tend to do this process intuitively, depending on the habits and techniques that have worked for us in the past. This isn't enough, to MASTER the process we must learn both the science and the art ... and, in my opinion, the art is the most difficult to learn." Bassam Samman Length: One to three days This one- to three-day seminar is custom designed for the organization it is being presented to. Additional information concerning the The Art of Project Management Seminar. Effective LeadershipBased on Brad's book, "Get Out of the Way! You'll never manage yourself to great leadership," this seminar is designed for your managers who want to increase their knowledge concerning the creation, retention, and leading of exceptional teams. An expert in building and managing teams, Brad shares his knowledge and experience in the successful creation of teams that are motivated to their full potential. Highly motivated, exceptional teams tend to accomplish difficult tasks, meet critical objectives, and finish projects on time and on budget. "Our management programs deal with exceptional teams; creating , managing , motivating, and retaining them. Every company in business today will need to seriously consider the effective leadership alternative. Those that insist on managing the traditional way, will be left behind to wonder what happened." Length: One day This one-day seminar is also available as a three- or five-day workshop. Additional information concerning the Effective Leadership Seminar/Workshop. Effective NegotiationsUsing the basic principles found in his book, "Get Out of the Way! You'll never manage yourself to great leadership," Brad shows how the most effective negotiators are effective leaders. He demonstrates that Leadership Principles and sound Negotiation Practices are closely linked. One of the most surprising insights from this seminar is the realization that when a master negotiator is involved, you often don't even realize that a negotiation is going on. This seminar is designed for managers who want to increase their skills and knowledge in negotiation, and its twin, conflict-resolution. "We most often think of negotiation as being the process by which you get the best price. This misses the point completely. In one sense an effective negotiation is a long-term relationship that provides you with your best chance to consistently get done what needs to get done, on time, and, at the right price; but, remember, at one level or another, you're always negotiating, and it isn't always for price." Length: One day This one-day seminar is also available as a two- or three-day workshop. Additional information concerning the Effective Negotiation Seminar/Workshop. Achieving Creative EnvironmentsIn this seminar, Brad shares his knowledge of the creative process--what it is--what it isn't--and how to use it effectively to achieve a creative environment within the team/organization you lead. Brad's perspective on the creative process is very different from that of other lecturers on the subject, "Gimmicks and puzzles don't teach creativity...they only entertain. In order to be more creative you must first understand what creativity is, and how it will help you meet your personal and career goals...then you will be motivated to learn how." This seminar uses a combination of lecture, discussion and group exercises. Length: One day Hiring Exceptional PeopleBrad teaches the process and skills necessary to hire effective people. It is especially helpful to gain understanding of the goals, what you want to achieve during the interview. Brad focuses on the power achieved through different styles of interviewing and how those styles can be used to their greatest advantage. A combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration, and practice provides a rich environment for learning. Brad's first rule if you want to accomplish difficult things is to "find the right people," throughout the years he has had great success in doing just this. In this seminar he shares stories from these experiences, you will find his methods to be somewhat controversial, while being remarkably successful. There will be few in your organization who will not learn something new, and many who may disagree with some of his conclusions. Length: Half day This half-day seminar is also available as a one- or two-day workshop. Using Stories to Change Beliefs, Attitudes, and PerceptionsBased on his book, "One Shovel Full - Telling Stories to Change Beliefs, Attitudes, and Perceptions," Brad shares his techniques for creating and effectively using life stories and fables to effect change in organizations and individuals. This seminar uses a combination of lecture, discussion, and demonstration. "The importance of storytelling to help bring about change is often underrated. It is especially important as organizations attempt to adjust to the continually changing environment of the modern age; where acceptance to change cannot wait, when the organization must move forward or die." Length: Half day This half-day seminar is also available as a two-day workshop. The Internet's Technical ChallengeWhy is it so difficult to be profitable in the eCommerce environment? Why can it be so difficult to get a world-class eCommerce site up and running? This seminar is an expansion on the keynote of the same name, in it Brad goes beyond talking about the issue; providing exercises and skills training in those critical areas needed to successfully manage the technology necessary within the eCommerce environment. In the seminar, you will not only learn what needs to be done, but how to do it. Length: Half day Preparing for the FutureIn the speech by this name Brad shared his strong belief that companies are not preparing for the future in an effective way. In this supporting seminar, Brad, facilitates the participants in the process and teaches them how to use it in their organizations to prepare it for the future, whatever the future may hold. Brad believes that it is as critical to consider the worst case, as it is to plan for the best case. Often companies, like individuals, are afraid to face their fears, might even be blind to them, Brad says, "Your ignored fears are land mines just waiting to be stepped on, faced fears are a stimulus to creativity." Length: One Day Speaker, author, and much more ... All content, except space images, copyright Brad Fregger. Space photos courtesy of NASA. |